Lee Erlin joins Ratepayers’ Choice ticket

Lee Erlin

Lee Erlin will join Kevin Brooks and Stephen Sizer on the Ratepayers’ Choice ticket for the September 14 Council election, standing for Gosford West Ward.

Erlin has lived in the Central Coast hinterland for 10 years and currently resides at Kulnura.

She works as a customer service manager for an Australian software company, and wants to see Central Coast Council improve its customer service culture.

She has also worked in hospitality, sport, insurance and consular services.

Erlin is an avid hiker, dog lover and horse rider.

“I was inspired when Kevin Brooks visited the local community recently at Mangrove Dam and said we need someone on Council to represent the views of this huge hinterland in West Gosford,” she said.

“I agree with Kevin’s vision for better value for money Council services and the need for Council to listen more to local people.

“I love where I live; the hinterland is an environmentally diverse jewel in the crown of the Central Coast.

“In the past 10 years I have seen the best of primary production, farming and agriculture this area is renowned for, and the worst of land clearing, dumping, unpermitted use of land and lack of enforcement from Central Coast Council.”

Erlin said she understood the benefit of having good relations with customers.

“From my own experience dealing with Council, they need to improve their responsiveness to customers and show more empathy,” she said.

“With the long awaited return of local democracy I realised I could sit back and keep complaining – or be the change I want to see.

“I believe the Ratepayers’ Choice Group will work towards positive change in many areas that need critical attention.

“I also believe it’s time to shed light on this beautiful part of the Central Coast that has not been recognised or represented to its fullest potential.”
Brooks said Erlin’s warm, intelligent and authentic personality would make her an excellent representative for the hinterland community.

“When I visited this community recently, it was obvious how well informed and engaged they are,” he said.

“I think this local knowledge and commitment could be leveraged by Council for better outcomes.

“ Lee can play a big part in that.”

1 Comment on "Lee Erlin joins Ratepayers’ Choice ticket"

  1. We don’t want groups, or brackets or party driven Councillors that only want to push the policies of their clique. In particular we want to be rid of LNP, Labor, the Greens, Developers and one trick pony parties. We want Councilors to concentrate on delivering services at reasonable cost.

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