Deforestation an environmental disaster

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

I strongly agree with Peter Killen (CCN 446) referring to “weak-kneed green activists and politicians” who remain silent while our forests and bushlands are being destroyed “in our quest for housing and farming”.

To be fair, they believe their wanton environmental vandalism is justified because more housing and food is needed due to the unprecedented and unsustainable increases in immigration which they fanatically support.

Although I share Peter’s concerns I am perplexed at his silence on the nationwide, much larger environmental disaster driven by a frantic obsession with deforestation including rainforests to make way for solar panel farms and wind turbines.

This truly disastrous environmental devastation is also fanatically promoted and supported by the “weak-kneed green activists and politicians”.

Once again, to be fair, they believe this environmental disaster is justified to save the world.

I don’t.

Email, Jul 15
Paul Davis, Wyong

1 Comment on "Deforestation an environmental disaster"

  1. For you information Paul, local activists have been very vocal on the Central Coast over the years. indeed they are currently reacting to the rezoning of 300 ha of bushland by Council’s Administrator.

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