Countdown to sleepout

The sleepoput will take place on August 2

Business and community leaders will brave single digit temperatures on Friday, August 2, for the annual Coast Shelter Sleepout, raising awareness and vital funds in support of the organisation’s homelessness and domestic and family violence services.

With a 52 per cent increase in people attempting to access their services this year, the funds raised for the event are more important than ever.

“The issue of homelessness extends far beyond a single night, and as the cost-of-living crisis drives more people into homelessness, our services are being stretched beyond capacity,” Coast Shelter CEO, Lee Shearer said.

“Since its inception in 2012, the Coast Shelter Sleepout has become the largest annual fundraiser for our support services and, more than that, it’s an event that brings the community together and encourages us to have these important conversations.”

Participants will gather at Industree Group Stadium to experience a night of sleeping rough, offering a small glimpse into the hardships faced by those experiencing homelessness.

Coast Shelter is hoping to raise $250,000 this year, with the funds raised poised to provide a range of assistance to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, including alcohol and other drug counselling, early intervention programs, funding their Gosford Community Centre and more.

Local construction company and major sponsor, Moov Modular, is looking to another year of supporting the sleepout.

“The Moov Modular team are passionate about helping those in need and to be able to support Coast Shelter and the work they do across the region,” Managing Director Nicholas O’Neill said.

“During the year we were really blessed to have several of their clients join our team and get back into the workforce.

“The work Coast Shelter does in the community is critical and makes a huge impact in the lives of the people they touch.”

Supporting sponsors include East Coast Beverages, The Agency Central Coast, Eve Electrical and Masterfoods and event partners are Erina Fair, Kincumber Mitre 10, Kwik Kopy, Wolfewise Creative, JC Entertainment and Industree Group Stadium.

If you’d like to help get the team over the line by August 2, donations can be made online at with all donations over $2 tax deductible.