Council needs management overhaul

Readers' forum letters

After reading a letter to the editor recently in Coast Community News, I was relieved to see someone other than myself express concerns over productivity at Central Coast Council.

I think a culture has been inherent within Council for some time, from councillors to multiple levels of management, through to technical and field staff.

Rik Hart was appointed as Administrator, but there is much, much more to be achieved.

Central Coast residents want action.

Many newsletters depict sewer and water upgrades, but these are required for current developments.

Are the residents who drive along the Central Coast Hwy, Terrigal Dr, Avoca Dr etc aware that the shared pathway at Magenta is costed at more than $14M and is only utilised by a handful of people.

The average Coastie does not care about super-fast trains and Warnervale airport upgrades.

There is a complete disconnect of capital works projects.

There really needs to be a complete management overhaul of Council.

Email, Jul 20
GH, Avoca Beach

9 Comments on "Council needs management overhaul"

  1. Roads need total resurfacing on the peninsula, it is a discrace for holiday visitors and especially the residents. Council should be ashamed.

  2. GH from Avoca nice letter.To get change happening the residents of The Central Coast need to stop voting for the red,blue and green political teams for council

  3. Graeme Thitchener | July 23, 2024 at 9:50 pm |

    this is the most expensive and ineffective administration that I have seen in 45 years living here

  4. Split the councils again, the residents on the northern end got duped when we took on their debt.

    Agree that roads need resurfacing, which is beneficial to alot more residents that pay rates and rego for our cars. Stop patching and start resurfacing and curb and gutters are a priority too.

  5. Clive Anderson | July 24, 2024 at 8:01 am |

    Magnets Pathway was a complete joke and a waste of tax payers money
    I see dozens of school children having to walk on the busy Woolana Ave roadway in Halekulani from the north due to a lack of proper footpaths
    Where is councils concern for their safety
    There is a lot of misguided ideas in council the should remember (Tourists don’t pay the bills)

  6. Jeff clarke | July 24, 2024 at 10:36 am |

    Enough is enough the management of the Central coast council need to be replaced by the State government.I feel that all of the rate payers have had enough with our rates and water and sewage rates keep rising also our roads are a mess with pot holes can only be repaired with a shovel of tar.
    You can’t keep asking rate payers to dishing out more money to fix the incompetence of the council management.
    I have reported to the council road and drain damage at Tascott to the council and the reply is always we will get back to in 60 days and as always no money is available.
    The council is a joke and the only fix is to sack the head of the council before there is no way back.

  7. I don’t believe there is many rate payers on the CC have a positive feeling for our council. Where I live we pay over $4000 in rates. We are not necessarily wealthy. I bought my house years ago and like every postcode houses have gone up. We don’t have curb and guttering no footpaths. Wyong shire was paying much higher rates than Gosford rates under the same council. It’s seems Gosford is getting a huge make over and places like The Entrance …that most people in NSW will know where you live if you mention , do you know The Entrance well I am near there. But it’s now known as a run down and forgotten beautiful place to go . Our council has many times not listened to rate payers ,instead there power gave them the right to ruin a wonderful regional community and treated residents as cash cows for their own selfish purposes.

  8. The CC Council management has been disgraceful. The prioritising of expensive vanity works instead of the regular gutters and road jobs has been unconscionable. Our rates have gone through the roof and I, like others, see the wealthy suburbs of the council areas get pointless facelifts (Patonga and the Gosford waterfront…the next Opal Towers?). These projects appear to be nothing but grandiose things the council can point to and tell their powerful wealthy mates that they are achieving the development they (not the community) have asked for. Plant some street trees too.

  9. Bob Pickett | July 29, 2024 at 9:39 am |

    Graeme has got it right in two words “ ineffective administration,” the sad reality is that a lot of good dedicated staff work there. I hope voters can see past the red, blue & green and elect some good genuine independent councillors that are capable and provide a much more efficient administration that will listen to the majority of the people not the noisy minority. No doubt a difficult task, – we can only hope.

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