Childcare centre at East Gosford

A map showing the location of the childcare centre

Consent has been granted in the Land and Environment Court for a childcare centre opposite Gosford Fire Station and the adjacent carpark to the Elanora Hotel.

The court made the decision on July 16, after a series of conciliation conferences with applicant Access Strata Pty Ltd and Central Coast Council.

The two parties agreed that the location was acceptable, as it was “sufficiently distant from the Elanora Hotel and the Amended Development Application (DA) proposes satisfactory acoustic treatments to address noise from the Gosford Fire Station,” the court judgement says.

The proposal will see the demolition of the existing structure, the amalgamation of two land parcels, removal of some trees and the construction of a single storey 85-place childcare centre with basement parking at 11-13 Brougham St, East Gosford.

Amended plans and further documents were filed on July 5.

The original DA was lodged on November 8 last year.

On February 21 this year the applicant commenced proceedings in court as a deemed refusal, meaning the Council had not made a decision within the appeal period.