Bulk billing rates rise by 4.5%

Health Minister Mark Butler, Member for Robertson Gordon Reid, Member for Dobell Emma McBride and Kincumber Doctors GP Dr Ian Charlton

More GPs are bulk billing patients in Robertson as a result of the tripling of the bulk billing incentive by the Federal Government, with over two million additional bulk billed visits across the country since November 1, 2023.

In the month before the bulk billing incentive was tripled 73 per cent of all GP visits were bulk billed in Robertson.

Since then, the bulk billing rate has increased by 4.5 percentage points to 77.6 per cent in May.

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid said it had been increasingly hard to find a bulk billing doctor.

“Now, thanks to the Federal Labor Government there is more bulk billing in Robertson,” he said.

“This is delivering significant cost of living relief for people on the Central Coast.

“Labor introduced Medicare and only Labor can be trusted to strengthen and protect it.”

Robertson residents have also saved $2,528,244 on the cost of their medicines, thanks to the Federal Labor Government’s cheaper medicines policies, including its 60-day prescriptions reforms and the largest cut to the maximum patient copayment in the 75-year history of the PBS.

The Federal Labor Government also delivered the second largest increase to Medicare rebates in 30 years, with $900M in additional Medicare funding.

This followed $940M delivered last year, in the largest increase in 30 years.

In two years, the Federal Labor Government has increased Medicare rebates by twice as much as the former government did in their nine years in office.

Health Minister Mark Butler said doctors’ groups have called the tripling of the bulk billing incentive a game changer.

“The Federal Labor Government is committed to making it easier for people to see a bulk billing doctor – and that is exactly what is happening right around the country, particularly in rural and regional Australia,” he said.

“This is a win all round – for patients, doctors and the health system – and it is helping make Medicare stronger.”