Hope we see more Red-backed Kingfishers

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

As a keen observer of the local wildlife, I was very interested to see the article on page two of Issue 442 regarding sightings of the Red-backed Kingfisher at Mount Penang Gardens.

The article reminded me that I was lucky enough to have had a visit from a Red-backed Kingfisher here at Bensville in July 2023 although, at the time, I didn’t know that it was a Red-backed.

Being familiar with the Sacred Kingfishers, several pairs of which nest here during the warmer months, I knew that the July visitor was not one of those.

Comparing the photograph published in CCN with the photographs that I took of my visitor helped me to confirm that a Red-backed Kingfisher had indeed paid me a visit.

It would be great if there were more local sightings of this very pretty bird and I hope my report is of interest to the local birding community.

Email, Jun 18
Ken Bergin, Bensville