Hart’s green space argument carries no weight

I strongly challenge comments made by Administrator Rik Hart, at the June 25 council meeting that the current Gosford Library needs to be removed … because we’re short of green space in relation to 18,000 units.

For a start, those units should not have been approved without proper consideration of local amenity.

Secondly, I find it rather hypocritical that Council wants to demolish a well-maintained library building to create green space, whilst simultaneously reclassifying the green-space land occupied by Gosford Bowling Club for “higher purpose” use.

I note Council provided no additional green space when it removed Kibble Park Fountain – (just) an uninteresting concrete slab which was subsequently decorated.

If Council is so concerned about the availability of green space in the CBD, then perhaps it ought to give priority to repurposing the current extensive but totally unusable tidal pool/weed-bed in Gosford Waterfront Park.

That would provide a greater usable green space area than the library site in Kibble Park.

It’s interesting that, for development purposes, Gosford CBD extends well to the north as well as to the east and west, as detailed in the State Government SEPP.

I challenge Council to provide green space ratios for the whole CBD area as defined by the State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP).

Email, Jun 25
Kevin Armstrong, Forrester’s Beach

1 Comment on "Hart’s green space argument carries no weight"

  1. there is no consistency in the councils development
    very questionable !!!

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