Financial literacy program for schools

Central Coast schools have been invited to access the Greater Bank Finance Academy’s High School Financial Literacy Program.

The free program allows teachers to deliver the full course curriculum in their classrooms – empowering Year 9 and 10 students to access crucial financial literacy.

Covering topics such as budgeting, saving, planning for the future and understanding financial products like credit cards and loans, the program also addresses modern financial trends, giving students a comprehensive understanding of the financial world they will navigate.

Greater Bank Chief Distribution Offer Emma Brokate said the teacher-led lessons aim to inspire students across the state with vital money management skills.

“Financial literacy isn’t just about managing money, it’s about encouraging individuals to make informed decisions that enhance their financial stability and wellbeing,” she said.

“Enabling teachers to deliver the full program ensures that more students can access essential money management skills directly within their educational environment.

“Greater Bank’s commitment to rolling out this Australian-curriculum-aligned program across all of NSW reflects our belief in its significant benefits.”

A joint effort between Greater Bank and the University of Newcastle, the program blends academic insights with practical financial experience.

Dean of the University of Newcastle Business School, Professor James Skinner, said the partnership was built on a shared commitment to education and community engagement.

“We are proud to enhance the financial literacy in our communities and offer our students practical experiences that prepare them for the future,” he said.

“The program not only benefits high school students but also provides our university students, who act as ambassadors, with valuable experience to ensure they enter the workforce job ready.”

Comprising four core subject and three electives, the short course content is aligned to the NSW High School Curriculum.

The downloadable lesson plans, activities and presentation slides provided to teachers include: Introduction to Financial Literacy; The Fundamentals of Financial Literacy; Savings and Budgeting; and Credit and Debit Banking.

There are also three optional electives, tailored to suit the school: Investing; Cybercrime and Scams; and Employment.

Schools interested in participating can visit

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