Amateur radio club amps it up

Members of the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club inspect the amplifier

A 2,000 watt power amplifier has been gifted to the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

“The club makes use of a range of radio equipment ranging from handheld radios through to base station set-ups and everything in between including vehicle-mounted systems,” a spokesperson said.

“Club members enjoy a raft of radio activities by operating their radios from home, their cars, at the clubhouse or even from a local park.

“They regularly make contact with other radio operators from around the world.

“The club helps people obtain an Amateur Radio Licence so they can enjoy the hobby and be part of a worldwide fraternity.

“Many members get the chance to meet with other radio operators when they travel around Australia or even overseas.

“As well as using traditional formats such as voice over the air, some members have also ventured into the digital age of radios which also incorporates the internet.

“Members have also been called upon to utilise their skills in times of national disaster.”

The club has competed in competitions where radio operators attempt to make contact with as many other operators as possible from around the world in one day.

Meetings are held at 11am every Saturday at 4 Dandaloo St, Kariong.

New members and drop-ins are welcome.

For more information email