Weeds along Baker St a disgrace

Readers' forum letters

While our wonderful Mariners showed Australia that our region can be national leaders, unfortunately our own civic leaders let us down, yet again.

Photos taken in Baker St, Gosford, the day after the Mariners’ victory show an absolute disregard from Central Coast Council to try and show our city at its best.

The weeds along Baker St to me indicate a lack of pride shown in our area.

I understand there is no quick fix for the dilapidated and decaying buildings that are boarded up from sight (thankfully), but to leave the footpath that leads to the stadium and the live site in Leagues Club Park in such a poor state is totally unacceptable.

A couple of Council staff with a pair of gloves and a bin could have had that area weeded in an hour or two.

This highlights a seemingly lack of care by our leaders on all levels.

Weeds along Baker St, Gosford

While this is a Council issue, even a quick squiz by our state and federal politicians around the route that thousands of local spectators and tourists would walk along could have helped to stop the area looking so shabby.

I would have thought on what is possibly the biggest sporting occasion ever held in Gosford, when Melbourne supporters were travelling to our region and the national spotlight was upon us, Central Coast Council would have taken a walk around the town and seen if we couldn’t give the old town (and given) a quick spit and polish so it looked its best for such a grand event.

It’s worth noting that when the administrator leaves in September and we have a newly elected Council, the current managers will still be responsible for day-to-day maintenance of Gosford.

It might appear I’m being overly dramatic about some weeds on a footpath, but I believe it highlights the issues of maintaining the Gosford town centre.

The fact we can’t clean up one of the main footpaths that leads from the train and parking stations is disrespectful to the people and businesses of the Central Coast who pay rates and taxes.

I feel some questions should be asked by Administrator Rik Hart to the Council managers responsible.

We certainly don’t appear to be getting any ‘bang for our buck’.

Email, May 28
Name withheld, Narara