Rotary hosts mini UN assembly

The team from Central Coast Steiner School with Russell Grove

A Model United Nations Assembly run by Central Coast combined Rotary Clubs was held on Thursday, May 23 at The Erina Room, Erina Fair.

Central Coast Steiner School, representing France, was the winner on the day, which saw 15 teams from high schools across the Central Coast represent allocated countries to debate actual United Nations resolutions.

The teams showing diligence in providing details and insights into their allocated country with reference to the resolutions.

Proceedings were directed by Russell Grove acting as Secretary General.

This year the resolutions covered: integrating sport into youth crime prevention and criminal justice strategies; no first placement of weapons in outer space; and implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Student from St Brigid’s, seen here with Russell Grove, dressed the part as they represented the UK

Students were also able to dress according to their country and the winners of this were St Brigid’s Catholic College at Lake Munmorah, representing the United Kingdom.

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