Not much has improved at Council

Readers' forum letters

I liked the article by Kevin Brooks about Central Coast Council keeping the 15 per cent rate increase.

(Administrator) Rick Hart was put into Council to improve the financial position of the Council (but) he has failed miserably and only increased the cost to ratepayers.

His contacts at IPART have given him everything he asked for with no thought of the ratepayers.

From Kevin’s details it appears only months after Mr Hart leaves the Council will be back in financial disaster.

So, sadly, the only ones to lose having had a financial manager running the Council are the ratepayers and residents.

Mr Hart has achieved the record of most complained council in NSW, the worst roads and the most unprepared council for the future.

From another article about a carpark at Saratoga, it appears council management cannot even get carparking spaces correct, so there is little hope for real challenges.

Let’s hope the new councillors will have learnt something from the debacle of the past few years.

Email, May 9
Phil Morrison, Bateau Bay

9 Comments on "Not much has improved at Council"

  1. Simon Wood | May 14, 2024 at 8:30 am |

    If and when we do get to vote for new councillors please remember this. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So don’t vote any of the old concillors back in.

  2. Graham Parkin | May 14, 2024 at 5:13 pm |

    so, what’s new, we always had an idea that forced amalgamation of both Gosford, and, Wyong Councils was a huge error on then State Government’s behalf, as it has now proved beyond all doubt that neither Councils would ever work together, in fact, looking at the loss of over $564,000,000 .00is evidence enough to prove total incompetence relating to both Administrator Rick Hart,and,Chief Executive Officer brought in from another failed council,best thing to do now, de – amalgamate these Councils, restore Gosford City Council, and, leave Wyong Council to themselves, we do not need them, as past history has well shown their inability to keep finances in check,and,balance,add to this, the so – called public enquiry into missing funds was conveniently hidden from ratepayers, and, residents of this area, someone has a great deal of explaining to do.

  3. Central coast council is continually ripping rate payers off they spend our money like drumlin sailers, their loss of rate payers money is well documented they have a terrible background in balancing the books and they should get better accounting systems in place

  4. Clive Anderson | May 15, 2024 at 7:19 pm |

    More growth in the area should result in discounts not rises. It’s like the old Orange theme. Why sell a doz for a $$ when you can sell 13 for $$$

  5. This is the most inept imbecile they could’ve appointed as “administrator “. The very title carries the connotation of at least some measure of competence, but this guy beggars belief. Even less managerially talented as his predecessors- if that was possible.

  6. Fred Blogg | May 15, 2024 at 9:04 pm |

    if Riks money man Boris stopped running his computer program ‘Trim’ to funnel funds around,we wouldnt end up with the problems we have now and in the future.He is the problem.get rid of him!

  7. Jack Zervos | May 16, 2024 at 9:08 am |

    What a diabolically misleading post you should be ashamed of yourselves.
    When the previous lot were sacked because it got to the point where Council couldn’t pay it’s wages Hart inherited hundreds of millions of dollars of debt that has now all been repaid in full. There was less than $6 million in the bank how dare you completely misslead your readers … ….

    • Thank you Jack, we have published more stories on the council’s challenges than any all other news organisations combined. Please feel free to use our archives to explore the full stories. It is much more complicated than a single cause. This article brings fresh light to the complex situation.

  8. Brett Cooper | May 18, 2024 at 1:38 pm |

    Been living on the CENTRAL COAST for 28 years. worst council in the entire country. just a bloody disgrace. And, the same old story, 10 council workers on their phones, watching one bloke dig a hole. no wonder nothing gets done, alongside side the maladministration that has gone on here for years !!!

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