New recruit for Clean4Shore

Clean4shore participants at work clearing away rubbish in Brisbane Water.

Federal Member for Robertson Gordon Reid recently joined Clean4Shore on a mission to remove pollution from mangroves at West Gosford.

The group also included students and teachers from Narara Valley High School.

“It was a fantastic opportunity to support Clean4Shore and its work fighting pollution in our waterways,” Reid said.

“We had added support from Narara Valley High School, which ensured we were able to remove even more pollution from the mangroves.

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid with Narara Valley High student Luca Elliss at the clean-up

“Clean4Shore does outstanding work, especially following significant weather events when debris and other items are washed into rivers, lakes and the ocean.

“I would like to thank Graham Johnston and the team at Clean4Shore for their tireless efforts conserving our environment and raising awareness of pollution.

“I look forward to continuing to support this phenomenal organisation.”