And they’re off…pigeon racing season gets underway

Central Coast Pigeon Racing spokesperson Frank Anderson

The 2024 pigeon racing season starts on Saturday June 1 with a 105km race from Stroud. 

Wyong, Budgewoi, Dora Creek, Davistown and Hunter will compete in the 26 races scheduled from Stroud to Gympie.

Central Coast Pigeon Racing spokesperson Frank Anderson said pigeon racing had been held on the Central Coast since the 1950s and many changes had occurred over the years including electronic timing which is used now.

Each bird carries a small chip ring and is automatically timed upon reaching the cage of its owner.

Results also are calculated by computer and viewed on the Central Coast Pigeon website after each race.

There will be strong competition in the early races with winning margins around a few seconds for the leading birds.

A bird arriving home and circling a few times can go from first to fifth in seconds. 

This year sees the return of the strong flyer from Davistown Steve Kane after having a spell in 2023.

Starting his first year as a junior member will be 12-year-old Kingston Kitto from Norah Head.