The Central Coast Woodturners have a new workshop in the old Guide Hall at 8 Ourimbah Creek Rd, Ourimbah.
After having to vacate their previous workshop due to dramatic rent increases, and after 15 months of searching for a suitable alternative, members have secured a five-year lease on the new site.
The group is still on the lookout for a larger workshop as its permanent home.
President Peter Hamilton welcomed members and guests to the recent grand opening of the new premises, outlining a brief history of the club.
He gave special thanks to Walker Brothers Timbers who supplied new flooring, Sohail and Linda Mohideen at Yara Law Pty Ltd for their legal advice, the Elderslee Foundation for their support over the years and Creighton’s for their ongoing support.
“We have grown from very humble beginnings when, 39 years ago, a few interested woodies met to discuss the possibility of forming a woodturning club,” Club Secretary Alan Smith said.
“Since then, the club has gone from strength to strength and has worked hard to become the well-respected club that we have today.
“Whilst our numbers have dropped recently due to the COVID pandemic and the loss of our old workshop, we are very pleased to say that we are looking forward to an exciting future for our group.
“Our main goals are to pass on our skills to future generations and to raise money to help those folks within our community who are in need.
“We teach the arts of woodturning, carving, scroll sawing and pyrography (poker work).”

The club is keen to recruit new members with an interest in woodwork or who would like to learn a new skill.
Membership is open to men and women, and the age of members ranges from 16 to 90-plus.
The club is open on Monday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 8.30am.
For more information contact President Peter Hamilton on 4367 7647 or 0416 306 009 or Secretary Alan Smith on 4392 1864 or 0414 186 963 or via email at