Central Coast locals will address a NSW Parliamentary Committee when it holds a public hearing in Gosford on Wednesday, April 10.
Members of the committee will then visit Wamberal Beach and talk to representatives from community group Wamberal Save Our Sand (SOS).
The Inquiry into the NSW Planning System and the Impacts of Climate Change on the Environment and Communities, which opened in August 2023, has attracted a high volume of submissions and the committee says there is a delay getting them all online.
So far, there are more than 230 submissions online including a number from the Coast, including from Central Coast Council and community groups Grow Urban Shade Trees and Woy Woy Peninsula Residents Association.
The committee chose to hear from these people, based on their written submissions to the Inquiry which is to report on how the planning system can best ensure that people and the natural and built environment are protected from climate change impacts.
It is looking at developments approved or proposed in flood and fire prone areas or areas that have become more exposed to natural disasters as a result of climate change, including areas that are vulnerable to rising sea levels, coastal erosion or drought conditions, and in areas that are threatened ecological communities or habitat for threatened species.
The adequacy of planning powers and planning bodies, particularly for local councils, to review, amend or revoke development approvals for areas that are identified as placing people or the environment at risk is also being looked at.
Established on August 24 last year, the NSW Parliamentary Committee says it has received a high volume of submissions and there is a delay in getting them online but so far there are more than 230 on the website.
At least six of the seven members of the committee, all State MPs, are expected at Wednesday’s hearing which starts at 10.45am and finishes at 2.15pm and is being held at the Central Coast Leagues Club in Gosford, in the Parkview Room.
The public is welcome to attend.
The MPs are: Chair Sue Higginson, Greens; John Ruddick, LDP; Mark Buttigieg ALP; Anthony D’Adam ALP; Scott Farlow, Lib; Jacqui Munro, Lib; and Peter Primrose, ALP.
All are members of the Legislative Council’s planning and environment committee.
Read the submissions here: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/inquiries/Pages/inquiry-details.aspx?pk=2987#tab-submissions
GUST’s submission is number 120.
Council’s submission is 159.
Wamberal SOS is 202.
The hearing will be livecast at https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Pages/webcasts.aspx
Merilyn Vale