Noise won’t be a problem

In response to Mr Matheus regarding airport noise (CCN 431), I find it difficult to comprehend why a few, a very few, light aircraft flying around at a fair height could constitute a noise problem.

Where I live at The Entrance, we have more helicopters flying around, at all hours, than little aircraft, and those powered paragliders are far noisier than the light aircraft.

Even so, I could not imagine complaining to authorities to carry out noise surveys, since lawn mowers, ear-splitting motorcycles and hoon cars in our street are far worse, and nothing is done to curb their activity.

Besides, unlike Mr Matheus, I don’t have a radar to track and record all this activity – I do have a life.

It looks like a resurgence of the anti-airport crowd, trying to find any sort of excuse to restrict or abolish our community airport.

Mr Matheus had an opportunity to put his complaint to during the Master Plan consultation period.

Why now?

Email, Mar 21
Geoff Robertson, The Entrance