Member for Robertson Gordon Reid has welcomed news of a new Federal Government Strategy to include young people in decision making.
Minister for Youth Anne Aly has launched Engage! at the Government’s first annual National Youth Forum.
Shaped by the Government’s Youth Steering Committee and informed by consultation with more than 4,600 young people from across Australia, Engage! sets out how young people will be able to have their say on issues and contribute to policies that impact them.
Through the National Youth Consultations young people provided direct advice on how they want to connect with government programs and services and how they would like to be involved in government decision-making.
Engage! incudes a range of actions that directly responds to this feedback.
The actions include a new digital youth hub – a website with resources for young people to help them connect with government and access the information and support they need.
The Government’s successful Youth Steering Committee and Youth Advisory Group programs will continue, and a National Youth Forum will be held each year – providing young people with multiple opportunities to have their say on policy development.
Under Engage! the Government will also deliver two annual grant programs, helping First Nations young people and marginalised young people including those from rural, regional and remote communities, build their capacity to engage with government.
“Engage! will ensure young people are empowered, valued, and included in the development of policies and programs that impact them,” Aly said.
“Through the National Youth Consultations we heard from thousands of young people who made it clear – young people want to be included in government decision-making.
“Engage! is our promise to young people right around Australia, you will be genuinely engaged and consulted and your important contributions will help shape government policies.
“While empowering young people to engage with government, we’ll also be improving the way government works with young people.
“We’re introducing a range of measures to ensure young people are being heard, and your opinions are making a difference.”
The Government’s first annual National Youth Forum in Canberra brought more than 110 young people together from across Australia to design and present policy solutions on topics that matter to young people.
Reid said consulting young people on the issues that are important to them will strengthen communities and make our country and democracy stronger.
“I look forward to young people from the Central Coast taking part in this outstanding opportunity and encourage them to get in touch with my office for any support,” he said.
Learn more about Engage! at