The cloud over Gosford Bowling Club continues to grow, with Central Coast Council pushing ahead with its plan to reclassify the land from community to operational.
Council says the move is to support the Gosford waterfront and stadium revitalisation masterplan to provide “increased flexibility for potential future uses”.
The masterplan revealed in September 2022 shows a high-rise hotel on the site.
In August of last year, Council CEO David Farmer made it clear Council believes the bowling club land could be better utilised and it didn’t want to own it long term.
But the current proposal doesn’t mention that.
It says the site is leased to the Central Coast Leagues Club and the Gosford Bowling Club is provided access to the site by the Leagues Club.
The lease to the Central Coast Leagues Club expires in December 2024.
“Council is not proposing to sell the site or change the current lease conditions in place with Central Coast Leagues Club,” the current Council proposal states.
“Council has indicated its intention to extend a further lease to the Leagues Club, subject to agreement on lease terms.
“Detailed environmental investigations would be undertaken at the time that a preferred alternative use of the site is ready to progress.”

In August last year Farmer said any new lease with the Leagues Club would likely be the last one and would be transitional.
While the bowling club leadership hasn’t said anything publicly, individual members are urging the community to have their say about the land and to attend an upcoming public hearing.
The reclassification from community to operational makes it easier for Council to sell.
Gosford Bowling Club is built on land Erina Shire Council bought from the Railway Department in 1936 for 175 pounds.
The land was described as being “alongside waterside park” and it was proposed to build a municipal bowling green and tennis courts on the site.
The land is zoned RE1 Public Recreation, acquired for a public purpose.
The bowling club site is one of 10 sites currently on public exhibition for community comment.
“Following a review of Council’s assets, multiple sites were identified to be either surplus to Council’s needs or have potential to benefit from long term leasing opportunities,” Council said.
“Council is seeking to reclassify the land to operational land in order to facilitate potential sale or commercial leasing arrangements.”
See the full list at
Public hearings on the reclassifications will be held at times to be confirmed at the Erina Centre on Tuesday, April 9, and Wyong Council chambers on Thursday, April 11.
Merilyn Vale
terribly sad to read of the demise of gosford bowling club as my mother Gwen symes was the secretary manager there for 20 years and has had a amazing history as the premier bowling club on the Central coast and nsw over many years regards Colin symes
Leave the Bowling Club in it’s location. We do not need any more high raise buildings close to the water front.
Central Coast Council cannot see the concrete forest they are continuing to add to. They continue to waste rate payers money on non basic needs this then requires them to sell off public assets (such as Gosford Bowling club land) to recoup their mismanaged loses.
It’s about time the state Government looked into splitting the two shires back to what they are and have duly elected representatives of the people not some political appointed person
So much for keeping the area’s green to assist in looking after the environment
the gosford bowling club could be made into.recreational area skating and archery or other activities or a echo park area be lovely .enough money is wasted these days on high rise buildings that are unaffordable.been happening already gosford does not need them. r Egan pt clare
Archery. You mean darts. Are you even aware of the size of this piece of land.
Or it can continue to provide a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of life. Once you play the game and understand its value for inclusiveness you would support its continuance.
If Council feels the need to continue developing Gosford why not aquire the golf course, to make way for much needed residential housing suitable for FAMILIES.But the bowling club is an easier prey.
Central Coast Council has no idea what local people want, couldn’t organize a chook raffle,leave the Bowling Club to the Bowlers they deserve it and keep your hands off our open spaces we like them that’s why we live here and not Sydney,we don’t want a little Sydney on the Coast
leave it alone
Councils are well known to be run by small minded bureaucrats looking after their mates not the electorate in general. An example where I live council approves a 4 storey block of units the builder puts up 6 storeys and gets away with it. The then mayor said it was an honest mistake like hell it was.
Follow the money, someone on council will get a good payday if this land is sold to a developer, councils don’t go out of their way to rezone small land holdings especially if it’s a bowling club, someone is pushing this agenda for personal profit, it stinks of kickbacks and corruption
When will this nonsense – of community land grabbing – from Council and Government STOP.
Ie The land is zoned RE1 Public Recreation, acquired for a public purpose.!!!!!
Bloody typical of an incompetent broke low level council. Take away from the people who helped, worked and created this amazing town. Sell it to foreign investors to build another monstrosity. The plans to ruin the waterfront end of the Stadium for the aim of becoming the next Surfers Paradise with Chinese money is absolutely shameful.
please no more high rise in Gosford
With an ageing population where can over 70’s play outdoors for 2.5 hours and then have a big chat? This activity keeps people living a quality life and a relatively low cost. The reclassification is being instigated by an unelected body. There is also concerns regarding the actual classification system as landuse zones in the previous two councils were not identical. Perhaps we should wait for an elected council Save Our Bowlo ( or we’ll sob)