Vehicles checked for safety compliance

Light vehicles targeted for compliance check

Brisbane Water Highway Patrol teamed-up with Transport for NSW Vehicles Compliance officers on Wednesday, February 7, to inspect light vehicles around the Central Coast.

The operation involved vehicles being scheduled to attend as nominated by Transport for NSW or Police, as well as vehicles being detected on the day by mobile patrols.

As a result, Police and Transport for NSW officers inspected 39 vehicles resulting in 15 red label major grounded defect notices requiring those vehicles to be towed.

A further 21 vehicles were issued with yellow major defect notices, three minor defects, 37 penalty notices and 36 cautions.

Inspections found extensive modifications requiring engineering certificates with some modifications unable to be certified in their current state along with multiple safety related issues, exhaust emissions and noise.

Further operations are planned for the future and all vehicle owners are being encouraged to inquire with their respective examiners as to their compliance and if required obtain the relevant engineers report.