Oil companies ripping us off

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid is right to be concerned with petrol pricing (CCN422).

The Labor Government would be well advised to look at this instead of the current supermarket witch-hunt, likely to equate to nothing.

I worked for 20 years for a major oil company and 25 years as an independent/franchisee service station owner, so have some knowledge and experience.

I’m now a 70-year-old retiree who always shops around for the best petrol price.

I typically buy my fuel at 30-40cents/litre cheaper than the base prices of the major oil companies, sustained by a combination of unaware customers, along with the many corporate/government fuel cards (whose bearers) don’t care as they don’t pay.

My typical fill-up is 50-60litres at 30-40cents below prevailing base prices.

This easily equates to a $10 a week saving, or $500 annually.

The major oil companies are clearly ripping off consumers.

I also totally agree with your editorial in CCN 422 regarding the importance of the Central Coast Council September election.

The need for sober voter focuses on competent/realistic councillors versus theoretical/woke theorists is essential if we are to sustainably progress our electorate.

Email, Jan 18
Gordon Batt, Kincumber