Helping students stay hydrated

Deputy Principal Brent Waters, Principal Brent Walker, Janet Broz, Lucy Wenzke, Member for Robertson Gordon Reid and Renier van de Klashart at the new water station

Kincumber High School has installed a new water bottle refilling station thanks to a $16,270 grant from the Federal Labor Government’s Stronger Communities Program.

Kincumber High P&C President Lucy Wenzke said the new station would help cater for a growing school.

“The P&C had installed a single filtered water bottle station several years ago and this had proved very popular,” she said.

“But for a school of more than 1,000 students, it became impractical as there was often a long line of students trying to refill their water bottles after school sport or a game of lunchtime soccer.

“The problem was exacerbated with the arrival of COVID-19, as the use of normal bubblers also became less popular.

“Therefore, for this project, the P&C not only installed a triple water bottle refill station, but also replaced a bank of outdated bubblers with the original single refill station in a different location within the school.

“Students will now have access to a total of four refill stations – three near the oval and one near classrooms at the higher end of the school.

“This will provide them with quick and easy access to chilled, filtered water.

“This is a benefit to their health and wellbeing, especially as it reduces the need for using outdated bubblers that may be less sanitary.

“Having multiple refill stations will also mean that students will be able to access a drink and move back to class more quickly, which is great news for teachers.”

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid said the new station would help students stay hydrated, especially during the warmer months.

“I know that this water bottle refilling station will be put to good use by the students and school community,” he said.

“It will also be convenient for the several local sporting clubs that use Kincumber High’s oval during the week for training.”

The Stronger Communities Program provides not-for-profit organisations with grant funding of between $2,500 and $25,000.

To learn more, contact Reid’s office on 4322 2400 or email