
1 Comment on "NEWS-HistoryP-The-Old-Tuggerah-wharf.-Photo-by-Jason-Connolly-2022"

  1. I remember it was said to be 700 yards long. When I first knew it there were steel rails that had been used for a trolley to take freight out or in, I was unsure which.

    Dad said that the family had a number of boats that operated from the wharf including one 45ft long.

    The end of the wharf had what I remember to be 12 by 12 inch timbers on similarly solid stumps driven into the lake bottom.

    Maybe some of the planking was still there when I first started visiting it in the 1950s.

    When I first knew of it, the end of the wharf was plenty deep enough to dive off. A metre and a half, maybe two metres and it could have been more. Certainly seeing the bottom was out of the question. When 45 ft ships were tying up alongside it must have been more than a couple of metres deep.

    When I last tried [2 to 3 years ago] to find where the end of the wharf had been my guess was that the water was between 30 and 50 cms deep.

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