Another five-storey residential and retail project is on the drawing board to match a similar development already approved at Canton Beach.
In 2017 Central Coast Council approved a five-storey development at 5-8 Beach Pde comprising shop-top housing, four food and drink retailers, 36 residential apartments and basement parking.
That project (on the former Lakedge Caravan Park land) gained deferred commencement consent in 2018 and in May this year approval was sought, and is still being assessed by Council, to modify the internal layout, the façade and increase the number of units to 40.
A separate new development proposal for the surrounding land has been designed to follow the character of the already approved project, which set the precedent and standard for future developments along the Canton Beach foreshore.
The new DA will amalgamate nine lots (9, 10 Beach Pde; 1, 3, 5 Crossingham St; and 1, 3, 5, 7 Kantara Rd) and split the 6,348.8sqm into two components, one with a Beach Pde frontage and the other facing Crossingham St.

Each of the two sites will contain a 4-5 storey mixed use building which will be separated by a pedestrian thoroughfare “eat street” intended to become a lively tourist destination.
The overall development will comprise a gymnasium, nine ground floor retail tenancies, 91 residential apartments on levels one to four and six serviced apartments on the ground level for short-term stays to cater for tourists.
There will be 10 one-bedroom residential apartments, 59 two-bedroom and 22 three-bedroom units as well as 195 spaces in the basement car parking.
The new proposal and modifications of the adjoining development at 5-8 Beach Pde, if both are approved, will provide 137 residential dwellings and occupy the majority of the block bounded by Crossingham St, Kantara Rd and Beach Pde, an area which is zoned SP3 Tourist earmarked for higher density development including food and drink premises, recreational facilities (indoor), shop-top housing and tourist and visitor accommodation.
The development application 1904/2023 is open for feedback from the community until Friday, December 1, on Council’s website.