Council joins in SWIMSAFER Week

Council's learn-to-swim classes teach life-saving skills

Central Coast Council is set to participate in Swim Australia’s SWIMSAFER Week from November 20-26.

The week is dedicated to promoting the essential skills of swimming for children as part of a mission to make swimming a universal superpower.

There will be colouring competitions, dress-ups and prizes throughout SWIMSAFER week at all Council’s learn-to-swim classes.

Council’s learn-to-swim classes are more than just sport; they teach life-saving skills and are a source of endless fun and fitness.

They cover such things as water confidence; the importance of floating; essential water safety skills; comfort under water; and breath control in water.

Whatever your goals are from floating to freestyle, Council’s experienced learn to swim coaches can teach vital swimming and water safety skills.

Council’s Learn to Swim Program offers classes at three locations Peninsula Leisure Centre at Woy Woy, Gosford Olympic Pool and Toukley Aquatic Centre.

Classes cater for all ages and levels of ability from six months of age through to adults and offers small group classes with a positive, nurturing, individual teaching approach that gets results.

The classes follow a best practice qualification policy with fully trained and qualified instructors.

Full details are available on Council’s website.