Free course to learn mindfulness

Learn the skills of mindfulness

A free online course to learn mindfulness skills will start on October 26.

It is being run by Suzie Brown of Narara Ecovillage who has been teaching mindfulness meditation for more than a decade through community courses and workshops.

She currently teaches in the US-based global Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program as well as teaching in the online meditation community Cloud Sangha – both created by renowned mindfulness teachers Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.

You will learn the skills to: calm your nervous system and be present and focused during stressful times; to manage your own emotions; develop good feelings like gratitude, joy, happiness, contentment or calm; and to be able to handle uncomfortable and challenging things in life.

The 90-minute interactive online sessions will start at 7.30pm on Wednesdays, October 26, November 2, 9, 23, 30 and December 7.

The course is being funded by the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Healthcare Network. To register for the course go online to: