Camp Breakaway making a comeback after COVID

Programs at Camp Breakaway are resuming as normal after being hit hard by COVID

After being hit hard by the effects of COVID, Camp Breakaway at San Remo is making a comeback with camp programs recommencing and social nights held once a month.

The camp, originally built by Rotarians and officially opened in 1982, specialises in providing respite care and programs for adults and children living with disabilities and suffered financially during COVID when no camps could be held.

“Even after COVID, it took some time to resume programs because people with disabilities were not comfortable leaving their homes,” Camp Breakaway chairperson Jenny Taaffe said.

“With the recommencement of camp programs and site hire services this year, and the contribution of auxiliary and other grant fundraising activities, Breakaway is gradually recovering from its financial challenges.”

As a registered not-for-profit charitable organisation, Camp Breakaway relies on getting an income from programs and hiring the venue out for private functions including weddings.

As a registered NDIS service provider, the camp also provides emergency respite care and hires out the site and facilities to other respite care providers to raise additional funds for camp programs.

“Our monthly programs and recent quality program surveys resulted in a 90 per cent satisfaction rating by those who attended,” Taaffe said.

“We have also introduced social inclusion dances on a monthly basis for people living with a disability with many coming with their carers and having a ball.”

She said the organisation was always on the lookout for more volunteers.

“We would welcome more volunteers to help with the programs and the Auxiliary fundraising.

“It’s a great way to help put something back into the community and have fun, meeting like-minded people where you support the carers and enjoy yourself as well.”

Taaffe site hire bookings were positively recovering and just recently a cultural wedding at the 24ha site was attended by nearly a hundred guests over one weekend.

For more information about Camp Breakaway and for those interested in volunteering contact Jenny Taaffe on 0407 400 507.