Shining a light on men’s health

The Big Aussie Barbie will shine a light on men's health issues, including prostate cancer

A men’s health barbecue will be hosted on September 21 by Davistown RSL, in partnership with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and healthcare company Bayer Australia.

In Australia, 17,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year, making the disease our nation’s second most diagnosed cancer for men.

Aiming to raise greater awareness for prostate cancer, the barbecue will be a relaxed opportunity for Central Coast men to enjoy light refreshments, socialise and hear from health professionals.

Federal Member for Robertson Gordon Reid encouraged local men to attend.

“As a local emergency doctor, I have noted that men often do not like to discuss their healthcare and because of this either do not receive the healthcare advice they may need or have a delay with diagnosis,” he said.

“This barbecue will be an opportunity for men to come together in a supportive space to listen to health professionals about prostate cancer and other diseases that affect men.

“The event will allow men to meet with other men going through similar health challenges and to support each other.

“I look forward to attending.”

The Central Coast Big Aussie Barbie will take place on Thursday, September 21, at Davistown RSL from noon to 2pm.

Registration is required for entry and for catering purposes at, by calling Reid’s office on 4322 2400 or emailing

Federal Member for Robertson Gordon Reid