Women from various community groups will join forces on Friday, September 8, from 4pm-6pm for a community rally outside the office of Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch in an attempt to gain support for protecting what is known as the Kariong Sacred Lands.
Members of Coast Environmental Alliance (CEA), the Indigenous Party of Australia, Animal Justice Party Central Coast Regional Group and the Central Coast Environmental Advisory Committee (CCEAC) will protest a controversial housing development proposed by Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC) at Kariong.
If successful, the proposed development would see up to 70 houses built on culturally and ecologically sensitive land zoned C2 (formerly E2) on Woy Woy Rd, with objections including concerns over the cultural and environmental significance of the area., consequences of an increased traffic flow in the area and fire safety risks.
CEA spokesperson Emma French said the groups are urging Tesch to lend her support to protecting the site from development.
“While this event is run by women in the hope of appealing to our most influential and popular State member, of course men are welcome to the event,” she said.
“I wrote a personal letter to Liesl in an attempt to appeal to her as an inspirational woman to take a leadership role in caring for our precious environment.
“There are many strong and caring women in our community who have devoted their lives to caring for this area known as Kariong Sacred Lands.
“We are hoping Liesl will … choose protecting our most vulnerable local bushland over supporting this … development.”
Kariong resident and CCEAC spokesperson Lisa Bellamy said DLALC’s ‘cut and fill’ development would see the removal of trees, plants and sandstone which contain endangered wetlands and threatened flora and fauna species.
The area is also officially listed as an Area of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS).
“As a local who regularly spends time in this beautiful place, I’m not willing to just sit back and let this go ahead,” she said.
“I’m really hoping our State Member will support us over a private organisation which doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to conservation.”
Lisa Bellamy
Darkinoong/Yuin Elder Aunty Colleen Fuller said while the groups appreciated the need for more housing, it should not come at the cost of ancient cultural heritage, endangered wetlands and threatened flora and fauna.
“There are known and registered Aboriginal engraving sites in the area,” she said.
“Removing all that sandstone will erase a significant part of our history.”
“DLALC is the biggest private land-owner on the Central Coast with over 1000 new land claims currently being assessed.
“If DLALC can be supported by the Government in successfully claiming culturally and environmentally sensitive land, rezoning it and opening it up to these types of developments, it will set a dangerous precedent across the state.
“We need strong leadership here.
“With the rezoning proposal coming up for public submissions in October, we are looking to our State Member to find a way to protect the land while ensuring that DLALC is duly compensated.
“This could be achieved by the State Government providing DLALC with land that can be developed without causing irreparable damage to our local environment while preserving this part of Kariong Sacred lands in the surrounding National Park.”
French said the groups are calling on women of all ages and backgrounds to come to the peaceful, respectful and child friendly protest on September 8.
More information on the event can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/274079042020983
DLALC chair BJ Duncan has said previously that the planning proposal to rezone the land would see more than half the site safeguarded for environmental conservation.
He said DLALC was seeking the same rights as other non-Aboriginal land-owners – to have self-determination for how they use their land.
Terry Collins
Well done ladies! Wonderful to see such a strong stand taken on this important issue. We can’t allow the rezoning for development of protected bushland for anyone no matter what claims they make. It is protected for a reason!
This land development has been on the table for a long time. How can the so called ’protectors’, the DLALC even contemplate the destruction of ancient original sites, engravings, stories, and the protected koala habitat , flora and fauna , all the homes for the numerous bird life as they will lose their trees and nests. Also the hanging swamp which also protects the land. The women who nurture, birth and care for future generations to protect this important sacred land are standing together to say NO. Enough is enough. Leave the Kariong Sacred Lands alone.