After the Gosford Hospital make-over I had a heart event and drove into the emergency department and fortunately got a park close to the entrance.
After treatment a few hours later I came out and found a parking ticket.
I realised things had changed and you cannot park free or for any length of time even in emergency parking any more.
I fought the ticket and won with a caveat never to do that again.
Never have a heart attack again?
I did have a further suspected heart attack coming on and decided to go by ambulance (for the first time in my life).
I copped an earful all the way that I should have paid for an Uber to get there as I was not an emergency.
When I arrived I saw several ambos all standing around shooting the breeze.
I have paid into the ambulance levy for years but will never, ever, use it again, I think I would rather die.
My wife is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and treats my heart attacks and the acupuncture has fixed me a few further times.
No more Gosford Hospital or ambulances for me.
Seeing as how Woy Woy Hospital is a non-event, I had better apply for an Uber licence.
Email, Aug 5
John Strang Woy Woy