Vietnam vets reeling from thefts

The stolen banner

The Central Coast branch of the Vietnam Veterans, Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association is reeling following two acts of vandalism just prior to Anzac Day.

A large banner displayed on the railway fence at the intersection of Ocean Beach Rd and Railway Pde, Woy Woy, advertising the group’s dawn service was stolen, followed the same week by the theft of a brass plaque attached to the barbecue situated on the Ettalong foreshore.

This plaque was removed from a barbecue at Ettalong Beach

“For most people – unfortunately, not all – respecting the service of our veterans is revered,” a spokesperson said.

The spokesperson said the memorial precinct on the Ettalong waterfront is a standout feature.

“This facility that has existed for over 20 years was built and paid for by veterans,” he said.

“Enhancement of the waterfront is at risk due to this irreverent action, which will affect all residents.”

Honorary Secretary Eric Daniel said it was “very disappointing” to think that the person or persons responsible do not have any respect for someone who has given their life and/or service to guarantee their freedom.

Police have been advised and vigilance is ongoing at the site.

Central Coast branch, Vietnam Veterans, Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association