Public forum will be held next Monday prior to Tuesday Council meeting

Central Coast Council Chambers at Wyong

Residents are reminded that Central Coast Council’s trial change to the Public Forum protocol comes into effect next week.

To increase the opportunity for community members to have their say on matters presented at meetings, and also to provide more time for Council staff to consider their feedback, the Public Forum will be held from 5-6pm on Monday, May 22, at the Wyong administration building, ahead of the ordinary meeting of Council on May 23.

The new system of holding the Public Forum the day before Council meetings will be trialled for three months.

Council’s Director of Corporate Services, Marissa Racomelara, said the change aims to give more community members more time to speak.

“Currently, Public Forums are held immediately prior to each Council meeting,” she said.

“This small change to the scheduling will provide a valuable benefit for increased community participation and the opportunity for Council to thoroughly consider all feedback and respond accordingly during the Council meeting the following day.

“Community members will still be invited to register to speak at each Public Forum which will be held both in person and online during the months of May and June and online only in July.

“No more than two speakers are permitted to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ each item of business on the agenda for the Council meeting.

“Registered speakers can also talk to topics not included on the agenda, should timing permit.”

Administrator Rik Hart said Council wants to ensure the community’s voice is heard on matters that are important to them.

“I’m keen to hear feedback from our community throughout this trial period; this is also part of our active plan in preparing for the elected body to return to Council in less than 18 months’ time,” he said.

Council will seek feedback from the community on the proposed change to scheduling and any amended Public Forum Policy.

The trial period will be followed by a report to Council detailing any additional changes required based on feedback from the community and ahead of the return of an elected body.

To find out more and submit a request to speak at an upcoming Public Forum search ‘council meetings’ at

Central Coast Council