Judith and Albert Morris of Daleys Point will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on February 21.
The two met when they were teenagers at Toronto Methodist Church and married in that same church 70 years ago, on February 21, 1953.
They have lived on the Central Coast for the last 38 years.
Mr Morris worked for Burroughs (adding machines and computers) for 33 years, rising to management level before the couple bought a health food shop at Forestville which they ran for five years before retiring to Peridon Retirement Village at Daleys Point.
They were both members of Marine Rescue.
Mr Morris was Commodore of the Central Coast branch for two years as well as being the NSW Statistics Officer for over 44 units in NSW for 11 years, collating the figures until it was all computerised.
In his roles with Marine Rescue he received several awards, including an OC (Officer Commanding) award and an award from Rotary.
They have also been active in the Social Committee at the retirement village where they live and Mr Morris drove the mini bus on outings for the residents until a few years ago.
Having raised three children, family has always been an important part of their lives and still is.
Their travels have been curtailed due to age.
Mrs Morris is an excellent knitter and almost all of the family’s five generations have received one of her creations.
The couple has shared an interest in boating.
Mr Morris built a boat in 1967 which was used for family holidays at Lake Macquarie and Myall Lakes.

After retiring they regularly Brisbane Water and they even rescued a speed boat while under sail.
The couple says listening to and respecting your partner is key to a long marriage.
The couple will celebrate the special anniversary at Ourimbah RSL on February 18 with some of their family, which includes three children, seven grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.
The couple also celebrated their 90th birthdays at the club, Mr Morris in June 2021 and Mrs Morris in May last year.
Daughter Leonie Paterson said her parents were a wonderful example of what a marriage should be.
“Their eldest daughter has been married for more that 50 years and their youngest daughter is celebrating 40 years of marriage in October,” she said.
“I have requested certificates from the King and Australian politicians – they still have one from the Queen for their 60th anniversary.”
Media release, Jan 30
Leonie Paterson (daughter)