Delve into deep ecology and meditation

Deep ecology expert John Seed

World-renowned deep ecology teacher, John Seed, will offer a weekend workshop at the Narara Ecovillage on March 11-12.

The Deep Ecology and Nature Meditation Weekend will give people a chance to connect to nature in a more powerful way.

Deep ecology is a way of seeing ourselves as part of the earth, rather than as separate individuals.

It leads to a deeper connection with life and the planet, and highlights our role in protecting it.

Seed is a long-time rainforest activist and now a resident of the Ecovillage.

He wrote the foundational Deep Ecology book Thinking Like a Mountain along with US teacher Joanna Macy, Pat Fleming and the inventor of the term “deep ecology”, Professor Arne Naess.

Seed has developed workshop processes over four decades to help people to connect to nature in such a way that they feel truly part of the natural world, and no longer separate.

“I’ve never wavered from my conviction that the world needs to understand that the illusion of separation between humans and the rest of the natural world is the root of the environmental crisis,” he said.

“And that the ceremonies and rituals that Joanna Macy and I created (synchronous with what all indigenous peoples, including of course our ancestors, have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years), are a simple and reliable way out of the trap.”

Also teaching at the workshop will be Mindfulness Meditation teacher, Suzie Brown, also a resident of the ecovillage and a facilitator of nature-based meditation.

Narara Ecovillage

“The Central Coast has many precious natural wonders such as the creeks and waterways, rainforest, bush and beaches – it’s great for our physical and emotional health to deeply connect with these places,” Brown said.

“Our busy, urbanised lifestyle tends to take us away from feeling our natural connection to and interdependency with nature.

“This workshop will reawaken this ancient wisdom we all have within us that we are part of this living natural system.”

Included in the weekend will be deep ecology activities, meditations in nature, connection to the plants, animals and landscape, bird language and behaviour, bush tucker and edible weeds, and campfire stories and songs.

Tours of the village will also be on offer.

Visitors can camp or stay in B&B accommodation in the village.

Bookings and information are available at

Media release, Feb 14
Suzie Brown