Playspace upgrade at Pretty Beach

Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid, with Council Unit Manager, Open Space & Recreation, Brett Sherar, Mike Allsop and members of the Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Association at Turo Reserve

The Turo Reserve playspace at Pretty Beach has received a much-needed upgrade.

The work was undertaken thanks to a $105,000 funding injection from the Federal Government and  $5 000 from Central Coast Council, with Wagstaffe-Killcare Community Group (WKCA) kicking in $9,817.

Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid, said the improvements the park is brought up to standard so it can continue to be an excellent community space for both young and old to enjoy.

Council Administrator Rik Hart said the renewal has breathed new life into Turo Reserve and provides a hub for local families and visitors to play, socialise and enjoy the fresh air.

“Funding from the Australian Government has enabled Council to deliver a new, engaging and safe playspace, with additional contributions from the Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Association funding the looped concrete pathway to improve accessibility and provide a smooth surface for some scootering play,” Hart said.

“This playspace is a great example of Council, the community and the Australian Government working together to deliver infrastructure that provides health and social benefits for the region.”

WKCA President Mike Allsop said he looks forward to seeing many families and children once again enjoying the features of the playspace.

Media release, Nov 15
Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid