Providing friendship to older residents

Community Visitors volunteer with Volunteering Central Coast Gabrielle Grenier

Four organisations which co-ordinate the Australian Government funded Community Visitors scheme on the Central Coast are set to celebrate 30 years of volunteers providing friendship to older people this month.

Visits are available to anyone receiving government-subsidised residential aged care or Home Care Packages and the program aims to enrich the quality of life for socially isolated older people who are lonely and would benefit from a friendly visitor.

There is a particular focus on older people who have little contact with friends or relatives, are feeling isolated from their culture and heritage or have mobility issues that prevent them from taking part in social or leisure activities.

Regular visits from a carefully matched volunteer can help to improve quality of life and help older people feel less isolated.

Toukley Neighbourhood Centre, Northern Settlement Services, Australian Red Cross and Volunteering Central Coast will provide an invitation-only celebration morning tea in October for the volunteers who give their time to the scheme.

Beginning in 1992, the volunteer program has been particularly important during the last few years of COVID restrictions on aged care facilities, with volunteers sending cards and gifts or telephoning their older friends to provide a lifeline of connection.

Volunteering Central Coast Executive Officer, Fiona Morrison, said the organisation was the lead agency for volunteer support services for the Central Coast region.

“We provide volunteer support services to individuals and organisations across the region and have represented the volunteer sector here for nearly 40 years,” she said.

“The Central Coast has over 36,000 formal volunteers and many more who volunteer occasionally or help in a crisis.

“Volunteering brings people together for many reasons.

“We are so proud to see a wonderful team of volunteers giving back to those most isolated in our community; especially the perseverance we have seen in the challenges they have faced to maintain contact during the COVID restrictions.”

The four auspice organisations are actively seeking new volunteers who can share a small amount of time each week or fortnight with an older person by playing cards or board games, reminiscing, walking in the garden or listening to music.

For more information on how you can get involved, go to, call 4329 7122 or email

Media release, Sep 27
Volunteering Central Coast