Central Coast Friends of Democracy spokesperson, Jane Smith, has criticised Central Coast Council for what she says is a “staggering” lack of transparency over the preferred concept plan for a major redevelopment of the Gosford waterfront.
Council revealed its plans last week for a major project along the waterfront incorporating a mix of commercial, retail and accommodation options, along with a ferry terminal, outdoor recreational areas and even an amphitheatre.
But Smith has questioned the timing of the announcement.
“Although there will be a range of views about the future of the Gosford waterfront, we should all be concerned about the lack of information and the haste to change planning rules,” she said.
“The timing of these significant planning changes is just before a state election and while local councillors are not in place to represent the interests of residents, ratepayers and the community.”
jane smith
Smith said while the report to Council refers to “three distinct concept options”, “extensive analysis” and “stakeholder consultation”, none of this information was included in the Council report for public information or scrutiny.
“It is also worth noting that there was previously a Gosford CBD and Waterfront Advisory Committee, established to provide advice to Council,” she said.
“The committee played an important role in two-way communication on relevant matters and ensuring transparency.
“The committee was effectively disbanded with (its) last meeting held in March, 2021.
“It was then in April, 2021, that the (then) Administrator, Dick Persson, decided to proceed with investigations for development of the waterfront.”
Smith said one of the matters the committee considered at its meeting on November 21, 2019, was a study from Cardno modelling traffic movement in Gosford CBD.
“It showed that there were a number of pinch points that were already at capacity,” she said.
“It was clear that this would be a useful tool for future planning in the Gosford CBD.
“The same meeting also referenced the Gosford City Centre Transport Plan that the State Government was preparing; both these documents should be made publicly available.”
Smith expressed concerns about a community consultation process on the preferred option announced by present Administrator Rik Hart.
“There are serious concerns that this will be a sham process,” she said.
“The community should have a say on all three concept options.
“To have any faith in this process, all information must be released to the public.
“This must include concept options, analysis, traffic modelling and details of stakeholder consultation, including with developers.
“There can be no reason for this information to be confidential and hidden from the public.”
But a Council spokesperson said the Gosford Waterfront Report, which outlines the three options considered, was presented to the Council meeting on September 27.
“Community members are always welcome to review reports prior to a Council meeting and ask questions regarding specific items on the Council meeting agenda.”
central coast council
“The Gosford Waterfront Report is available on Council’s website at https://centralcoast.infocouncil.biz/.
“Development of a Masterplan for the site is the next stage of the Gosford Waterfront Revitalisation.
“This Masterplan will build on the adopted Concept Plan and be informed by community feedback during the upcoming consultation period.
“The Masterplan will be the basis of a detailed feasibility analysis and business case, which will determine the viability of the project.
“Council is seeking $8.5M from the NSW Government to undertake this work.
“Should the project proceed to an investment decision by the NSW Government (our preliminary analysis suggests the project stacks up financially, with a 1.7 to 1 benefit to cost ratio), it would be subject to the usual rigorous environmental impact assessment requirements associated with the development assessment process.
“Consultation on the Gosford Waterfront Revitalisation Masterplan concept designs will run from October 18 to December 1.”
Terry Collins
And Jane Smith what did that committee achieve?