The Iris Foundation, based on the Central Coast, is inviting residents to light a candle at 8pm on September 10 to show support for suicide prevention, to remember a loved one lost and for the survivors of suicide.
The Foundation traditionally recognises World Suicide Prevention Day with its annual Tree of Dreams campaign.
The Tree of Dreams is situated at the Wyong Milk Factory, with messages of hope, strength, remembrance and support collected from people all over the region in the lead-up to the day.
But due to the current health situation, The Foundation has decided instead to once again join people all around the world who are lighting candles at 8pm on the day.
You can light a candle of your own or order a free paper lantern from the Foundation which can be illuminated with a candle or tea light.
The water-resistant, flame-retardant paper lanterns can be ordered via the Foundation’s website.
The Foundation is urging residents to share a message with friends, family, and through social media to raise awareness of the day and event.
On the day, participants should light a candle or tea light near a window at 8pm.
“Take a picture and share to social media, tagging Iris Foundation with the hashtag #lightacandle so we can share to encourage others to reach out when times are tough,” a spokesperson said.
The Foundation has also shared some ideas on how to support suicide prevention efforts.
“By sharing your mental health stories, raising awareness and connecting with your local community, you can help prevent suicide,” the Foundation website says.
“Take proactive steps to safeguard your mental health, encourage help-seeking, and empower your friends, family, and colleagues to support one another in times of crisis.
“Add crisis contact numbers to your phone and encourage loved ones to do the same.
“Reach out to someone you care about who you think may be struggling with their mental health; visit ROUK? to learn how to start a helpful conversation.
“Support initiatives that ensure everyone has access to mental health care, suicide prevention training, and funding for local crisis resources.”
If experiencing mental health difficulties contact: Lifeline, 13 11 14; Kids Help Line, 1800 551 800; Suicide Call Back Service, 1300 659 467; NSW Mental Health Line, 1800 011 511; or Mensline Australia: 1800 789 978.
Terry Collins