Independent candidate for Robertson, Vania Holt, has announced she will no longer run in the upcoming federal election, citing the financial strain candidates face.
In September 2021 Holt was unveiled as the New Liberals candidate for Robertson, vowing to change political culture and champion environmental causes if elected.
In November 2021, Holt announced she would contest the seat as an independent instead and would push for a federal ICAC and a climate-positive economic plan.
Holt said it was with “considerable regret” she had decided to withdraw.
“I would like to apologise to my supporters, friends and family who have encouraged me to stand for the coming federal election,” Holt said.
“I was always motivated by a deep sense of justice and fairness and most of all to return independent community-based representation to the Federal Parliament.
“I have learned much from the last few months of campaigning, particularly how concerned locals are with the state of federal politics and the disfunction and corrupted processes that have developed over the last 15 years.”
Holt said that despite her withdrawal she still believed communities were best-served by independents.
“Major party politics is seriously flawed. Citizens and taxpayers are paying a massive cost for this wasteful, unfair and often spiteful culture,” Holt said.
“I do believe that independent community-based candidates … answer to their communities and are free of party politics, shadowy political donors and often-hidden lobby groups.
“I have discovered that running a competitive federal election campaign is incredibly expensive – and the electoral rules that were changed by the major parties a few years back have made it even more expensive. This effectively excludes many good people from running for Parliament.
“I am currently returning the campaign donations I managed to attract and would like to take the opportunity to thank those people in the community who are really looking for change.”
In February, Holt challenged other local candidates to disclose all donations over $1,000 made to their political campaigns amidst a national discussion about donation disclosures.
Holt championed the Action for Robertson community group for their work in giving local voters an anonymous space to share their concerns.
The free survey will remain open until mid-April and can be taken at
Maisy Rae