Wamberal Breakers Club merges with Mounties Group

Ken Pearson, President of Breakers Club and Dale Hunt, CEO of Mounties

Breakers Country Club at Wamberal has amalgamated with Mounties Group – the owners of Club Wyong and Halekulani Bowling Club.

The deal has been in the making since last June, when Mounties Group presented a vision for the amalgamation to the Breakers board.

As part of the deal, Mounties Group confirmed it will develop an $11M masterplan to improve the venue, as well as a $200,000 a year investment over the next five years in the golf course.

Breakers Country Club CEO, Ken Pearson, said that he pleased with the result and is excited for what the future holds.

“As a club, we were looking to secure our long-term future and deliver bigger plans than our financials allowed and that is why joining the likes of Mounties Group presents us with so much more opportunity.

“Mounties Group are a powerhouse when it comes to club strategy, financials and community spirit.

“Their profit-for-purpose business model was a big draw card for us, and they really prove to be, time and time again, true to their word,” he said.

Pearson pointed to the changing demographics of the Coast and how clubs are having to rethink how they compete with other hospitality venues.

“As sporting and recreational venues on the Coast we need to do a lot more,” he said.

Mounties Group CEO, Dale Hunt, said that he was pleased to add another Coast club to the group.

“Breakers Country Club is such a fantastic venue with so much potential.

“Having met the staff and members over the past year, it is obvious to see how much this venue means to everyone,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mounties Group has acquired Carers & Companions, the organisation formed in 1988, that provides in-home personal care and companionship services to people across NSW including the Coast.

Carers & Companions will become the facilitator of Mounties Care services and will have a dedicated office and call centre as part of Mounties Care at Mounties.

Nicola Riches