Former editor and journalist of Central Coast Newspapers and local resident, Jackie Pearson, has received funding from the Walkley Foundation to help promote public interest journalism.
Truepenny Media, the publisher of The Point ESG News Site, was chosen by the Walkley Foundation and Facebook as one of 69 projects from across Australia to receive funding from the Public Interest Journalism Fund as part of the Australian News Fund 2021 round.
As Truepenny Media’s new director, Pearson said she was proud the ESG News Site was considered worthy of funding and was looking forward to investigating more of the social and environmental justice issues impacting regional, rural and remote Australia.
“The focus of The Point’s reporting is social justice, environmental justice and good governance,” Pearson said.
“Our singular goal is to deliver truth in the public interest by upholding the public’s right to access information that is free of bias and gathered without influence from political parties, businesses or individuals.
“For decades environmental, social and governance factors have been used to select ethical financial products and investments. The Point ESG News Site aims to view the news through the same lens.
“This funding will enable The Point ESG News Site to investigate the major public interest stories taking place in regional, rural and remote Australian communities.
“We plan to examine their environmental, social and governance implications and empower communities in the process.
“We hope our reporting will help to hold to account the politicians, parties, lobbyists, businesses, developers and influencers who make decisions about where and how public funds are spent.
“It is our journalistic charter to highlight the social and environmental consequences of modern governance – bad and good!”
Pearson said The Point ESG News Site is an independent news source working purely in the public interest to give voice to communities and issues that are under-serviced by mainstream media.
Publisher of Central Coast Newspapers, Ross Barry, said he had very mixed emotions about Pearson’s new job.
“No human can fill a gap that someone like Jackie Pearson leaves in her wake – public interest journalism is in her DNA, and she has served the Central Coast community nobly, fearlessly and without prejudice for a very long time.”
“We will miss her of course, but we are very excited for her to be given this tremendous opportunity to continue her great legacy in delivering real, independent Australian journalism.”
Hello Jackie – how do I subscribe to The Point ??