Todd Robinson of North Avoca is one of more than 1,200 veterans who have found work in the State Government sector since 2018 after leaving the military through the Veterans Employment Program.
Robinson, who is a Youth Officer at Frank Baxter Juvenile Centre, was a Leading Aircraftman who served for 15 years in the Royal Australian Air Force.
“When I came out of the Air Force last July I really didn’t have a clear idea on where I wanted to work and just wanted to investigate what was a possible match for my skills,” he said.
“When he presented me with an Australian flag following my service, Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch asked what sort of job I was interested in and put me in touch with the program.
“Without the VEP program, I would not have had the toolkit to apply for NSW Government roles.
“I had more confidence with the skills and capabilities that I had gained and the program set me up for success in my applications for roles within Justice.”
Robinson said he had found it “fairly easy” to move into his new role.
“It’s very structured – just like the military – and I like the steady routine,” he said.
“I also really enjoy working with the kids – trying to influence them on what is the right thing to do and mentoring them using my life experience.
“It’s an enjoyable job and at the moment I am working night shift because it suits my lifestyle.
“There’s a good mix of people there (on staff) from all sorts of sectors for the kids to learn from.”
Minister for Veterans, David Elliott, said the program has exceeded its employment target and is 12 months ahead of schedule.
“When this terrific program was extended in 2018, a target was set to help 1,000 veterans secure public sector jobs in NSW by 2023,” he said.
“I’m delighted that we continue to exceed the original employment target and provide job opportunities for ex-service men and women that are looking for a new career path.
“This program is instrumental in helping our veterans enjoy a smoother transition from military service to civilian life, and means we retain the skills, knowledge and experience of our outstanding former service personnel.”
Developed by the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs, the program assists managers and veterans in understanding how defence force skills and experience align with roles within the NSW Government.
The program began in 2016 and recently won a Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Award.
For more on the program visit Veterans Employment Program.
Terry Collins