If you’re driving along Central Coast Hwy at West Gosford on a Monday afternoon, you are likely to be greeted by a barrage of signs saying such things as Honk for compassion, Free the refugees, It’s not illegal to seek asylum and Time for a Home.
On more than 40 Monday afternoons, members of the Gosford Anglican Church, joined by members of Central Coast for Social Justice, have held a silent vigil to remind motorists of the refugees being detained by the Federal Government.
Usually there is a handful of people holding placards; sometimes as many as a dozen.
“According to the Refugee Council of Australia, as at September 30, 2021, there were approximately 1,500 refugees in Australian closed detention and another 500 in community detention, including 176 children,” a spokesperson for Gosford Anglican Church said.
“The average length of closed detention is increasing.
“Latest figures show it to be 689 days.
“As at January 31, 2021, more than 120 people had been in detention for five years or more, with several for more than 10 years.
“The average estimated cost to keep someone in an immigration detention facility is over $360,000 per annum, per person.
“It cost an estimated $7M to detain the Biloela family on Christmas Island.
“The recent detention of Novak Djokovic in Melbourne’s Park Hotel has highlighted the plight of refugees and asylum seekers in the same hotel.”
Members of the group have also written numerous emails to politicians, urging them to allow refugees under our care to settle permanently in Australia, and be supported to do so.
“We would really appreciate it if our local member, Federal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks, would support us,” the spokesperson said.
“On Monday afternoons, there’s a regular stream of honking and waving.
“Usually one or two indicate or voice their disagreement; occasionally people walking by stop for a chat – most are supportive, and grateful for our action.
“No matter the response, the vigil is a regular reminder to the community of vulnerable people who seem to have been forgotten.”
Media release, Feb 1
Gosford Anglican Church
It speaks volumes about the people who keeps these pour souls in detention and a state of limbo!! It is so unjust and absolutely cruel emotional abuse! Vote them out!!
Joining you in spirit!
I was impressed with Fr Rod when he expressed his view when he was invited to Anzac Day Celebrations. He said, if we are celebrating the freedom won for us why can’t we give that freedom to our refugees.
After that statement he was no longer welcome.
Thank you so much for covering this story. It’s so important to keep the refugees in the spotlight. It is atrocious what is happening and I can’t believe that Australia has come to this. Please keep finding ways to bring this to the attention of the community.