ONLINE NEWS: A new airport master plan asks council to suspend sale of land and to suspend biodiversity and conservation until subdivision defines the wetlands.
A new ten page report has landed on council’s website for Tuesday night’s council meeting.
The report is looking for the administrator’s approval to develop a Masterplan for the Central Coast Airport (as it is being called, and not the Aircraft Landing Area or ALA as councillors changed it it to last August) and to start negotiations with the aviation industry to better utilise the land around the airport.

Part of the recommendation includes this:
That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to explore inclusion of 4 and 10 Warren Road, Warnervale and 140 Sparks Road, Warnervale into the draft Airport Masterplan and to suspend the sales of these land parcels until the Airport Masterplan is finalised.
AND this:
That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to immediately suspend the development of the Warnervale conservation agreement and any agreement with the NSW biodiversity Conservation Trust to permanently protect the Porters Creek Wetland until the Airport Masterplan, plan of Management and a subdivision plan is registered that subdivides the Wetland and surrounding E2 land from the employment land in Warnervale.
And then this:
“That Council acknowledge and thank the support of the Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch, the Minister for Planning Rob Stokes and the reviewers that included the planning expert Abigail Goldberg and aviation specialist Peter Fiegehen for conducting the review and resolving the future of the Central Coast Airport.
“The report says Council has $5million in restricted development funds which it will utilise for the development of the initial stages of the masterplan.As usual, I will be there to see what happens.-
Merilyn Vale
Follow Merilyn’s Central Coast Council Watch Page for rolling details.
We need to protect two things – our Wetlands and our Technological Future. Don’t worry, no-one will be insane enough to try to develop the Wetlands around the Airport – and in any event the State Government won’t allow it. This is an opportunity to leverage our Airport for the post-Covid flourishing of Technology and Innovation via Electric-Powered Airplanes and sophisticated Avionics design and manufacturing as well as serving our Community as a temporary base for Bushfire Surveillance Helicopters and Air Ambulances for people with life-threatening injuries.