Give residents back some power

Suspended Central Coast Councilors

Forum –

So we are to have a referendum on only two issues at the next Council elections in September.

One to ask us if we (should) reduce councillors who represent us to 9 instead of 15 and the other to dispense with the ward system.

Neither of these questions would be needed if we hadn’t been saddled with compulsory, underfunded and unproven amalgamation by the State Government, creating the diverse and huge geographic area that we now have.

We are already controlled by Regional Planning Panels (appointed by State Government, paid for by us) that make most development decisions.

Give residents back some power please.

Add another question on Yes or No to rescinding the Council amalgamation.

And let’s have this survey NOW, not in September.

Email, Feb 4
Carey Buls, Saratoga