We would like to respond to the auction of the Wetlands in Davistown.
Save Davo have never claimed that the land was currently owned by Central Coast Council, we have been fully aware that the land has been privately owned for some time.
Save Davo have at no time claimed that we were trying to stop the auction of this land.
At our community meeting, we started out by stating this, that as Chairperson of the meeting, I informed all in attendance that it is not our business to stop the owner from selling his asset.
Save Davo do not condone any harassing or threatening phone calls or contact to anyone associated with the auction.
At the commencement of the community meeting, it was requested that all remain respectful of others and measured in their participation.
One gentleman was asked to leave as he chose to not adhere to this request.
We acknowledge that the agent is simply fulfilling his role.
Save Davo also know that there has been no DA on these lands.
We have at no time claimed there to have been any such applications outstanding.
Our aim is to notify the community of the auction, and to prepare for possible future Development Applications of the wetlands.
Save Davo plan to engage all levels of government to ensure that they are protected through appropriate zoning, and that they remain a significant part of the beautiful Davistown/Saratoga Peninsula.
Email, Oct 23
Jo-Anne Lloyd, Save Davo