Narara Ecovillage and the Narara Ecoliving Network plan to make 2016 an amazing year.
Construction work on the ecovilliage, including roads, bridges, retaining walls, and water infrastructure is scheduled to commence in or soon after April. The third Narara Ecoburbia Festival will take place on Saturday, April 16 presenting a smorgasbord of sustainability adventures and adventurers.
Construction permitting, the ecovillage will continue to hold monthly open days and network talks exploring the many ideas behind ecovillages and the quest for more sustainable living. There will be practical sessions and workshops on building sustainable homes including a special presentation on modular homes. Finally 2016 promises to deliver the usual exciting series of events based on the remarkable people from around the world who now regularly drop in to Narara.
Newsletter, Jan 11, 2016 Narara Eco Living Network