Gosford City Libraries will be hosting a series of engaging events and activities during Library and Information Week 2015.
Running from Monday, May 25 until Sunday, May 31, the week aims to raise the profile of libraries and information service professionals throughout Australia.
The theme for this year is Imagine.
Gosford Council’s manager of Library and Community, Ms Di Shaw said that Library and Information Week is an opportunity to highlight the programs available at our libraries year round.
“It’s a wonderful chance to celebrate the great work of our staff, who tirelessly deliver engaging events and activities for our community throughout the year,” said Ms Shaw.
On Wednesday, May 27, National Simultaneous Storytime involves the same story being read at 11:00am across Australia in libraries and schools.
An outdoor pop up library will be located in Kibble Park Gosford, from Monday, May 25 until Friday, May 29.
Visitors are invited to enjoy the outdoor setting with marquee, colourful umbrellas, bean bags and shelves of books and magazines to spark everyone’s interest.
Each branch will host a morning or afternoon tea as part of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea campaign for Cancer Council research on Thursday, May 28.
Gosford Library will host its Biggest Morning Tea in Kibble Park.
The morning will include an Imagine story time featuring the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party with special appearance from the Mad Rabbit.
Children are invited to dress-up in their favourite imaginary costume.
Media release,
19 May 2015
Gosford Council media