
Rule change a boon for small businesses

Small businesses on the Central Coast have welcomed a major change to State Government procurement rules. Business NSW said the rule change would unlock opportunities for small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The…

Major win for Spices 29

Spices 29 Goan Indian Restaurant at Woy Woy has won the Best Indian Restaurant in Regional NSW category at the 2023 NSW Restaurant & Catering Hostplus Awards for Excellence. Business…

Leagues club unveils new look

The multi-million-dollar refurbishment of Central Coast Leagues Club is now complete, with the revitalised Gosford venue boasting an array of new additions, including the family-style restaurant Wildwood Dining, dynamic cafe…

Major boost for Delta Laboratories

Delta Laboratories at Somersby has received $25,000 through the Federal Government’s Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Program. The major medical and cosmetic manufacturing business employs more…